FAGOU - Food and non-food products from around the world


Warehouse icon Vairumtirgotājs

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We are a trading company that exports foodstuffs, frozen foods and consumer goods such as nappies, scotch tape and others. We operate in Europe and Africa. Over the years, we have considerably extended the range of products we offer and the scope and reach of our distribution network, motivated by our desire to please our valued customers. We export all over sub-Saharan Africa, offering field to fork controls (EU, USA, etc.) at each stage prior to final delivery to Africa.


Domain icon Vairumtirgotājs


Chaussée d'Alsemberg, 842

1180 Bruxelles - Beļģija

PVN nr

Informācija par uzņēmumu

Atslēgas ciparu

  • Eksporta Apgrozījuma %


  • Uzņēmuma veids
    Administrācijas ēka – Galvenā pārvalde
  • Pamatdarbība

Biznesa informācija

Iespējamo pircēju zona

  • Check Circle Outline icon Starptautiskais

Piegādes zonas

FAGOU darbības

  • Imports, eksports - lauksaimniecības pārtikas produkti
  • Saldētas un sasaldētas zivis
  • Autiņi
  • mayonnaise
  • Potato supplier
  • meats
  • powdered milk
  • Concentrated milk products
  • coffee